Walking tours of Glasgow. Let me show you round my city. I have joined the Tours by locals team.
--------------------- Always looking for new projects. Home or away.
Contact me at douglasbaird3 @gmail.com
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Scotland and the rest of my travels around the World
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. --------------------
Travelling. It leaves you speechless, Then turns you into a storyteller.
I am looking at extending my wildlife adventures. Watch this website.
Dachstein Thrills with a view are guaranteed on the Dachstein suspension bridge, which includes the stairway to nothingness. Amazing views across the mountain range. At the bottom you must ask for a ticket for the lift up and back and the Suspension bridge.
Skywalk Dachstein
Dachstein Suspension Bridge Another great time during our 2022 European trip. The bridge is a fun thing to do. The weather was misty-- which added to the atmosphere. If you don`t like heights look straight ahead.Watch my film below to give you an idea of the walk. The Ice palace is nothing special. Take note--it is Slippy.
Stairway to Nothingness”
The suspension bridge can endure storms up to 250 km/h, bear up to 750 kilograms of thick heavy, snow per square metre and shows a descent of 12 percent.
Austria’s highest situated suspension bridge At the bottom you must ask for a ticket for the lift up and the bridge.