Westend Torchlight Procession Nov 2016
Westend Festival`s event to commemorate Scotland`s patron saint -St Andrew. Really our country has been slow in organising events like this. So I was pleased when I heard​ what was happening. For many years my website has covered the main festival. One of the highlights on Glasgow`s event calendar.
Westend Festival`s event to commemorate Scotland`s patron saint -St Andrew. Really our country has been slow in organising events like this. So I was pleased when I heard​ what was happening. For many years my website has covered the main festival. One of the highlights on Glasgow`s event calendar.
The march started at Queen Margaret Drive,went down Byres Road and finished in University Avenue.
​We stood across from Botanic Gardens and followed the walk to the finish.
​We stood across from Botanic Gardens and followed the walk to the finish.
Like most people on the walk or watching from the side we made a donation to Beatson Cancer Charity.
​Very worthy cause.
​Very worthy cause.
SaSamba Ya Bambamb entertains.
Great to see the happy faces as the Procession makes it way down one of Glasgow`s top street.
The march proceeds up to the finish on University Avenue.
Super event. Well run and hopefully the first of many.The event was supported by West End Festival and supported by Scotland’s Winter Festivals, Glasgow City Council, WM Mann Foundation and Byres Road and Lanes BID.