Walking tours of Glasgow. Let me show you round my city. I have joined the Tours by locals team.
--------------------- Always looking for new projects. Home or away.
Contact me at douglasbaird3 @gmail.com
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Scotland and the rest of my travels around the World
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. --------------------
Travelling. It leaves you speechless, Then turns you into a storyteller.
I am looking at extending my wildlife adventures. Watch this website.
DIPPY HAS ARRIVED IN GLASGOW Glasgow has just got a new star.A friendly dinosaur. Dippy the Diplodocus. 70foot plaster cast replica of the fossilised bones of of Diplodocus carnegii. It`s normal home is Natural History Museum, in London.Now it`s at our Kelvingrove Art Gallery.As you come in the front door will be met by Dippy.
21.3-metre (70 ft) long
I had the pleasure of attending the opening night. Speeches,music and glasses of wine. Nothing could steal the show.Dippy had arrived and ready to shine for 1000`s of visitors.
The meaning of their name is 'double beamed lizard'.
The species is named after Scottish industrialist-Andrew Carnegie.in 1899 he financed the original Diplodocus excavation in Wyoming, USA. In 1899 he donated a cast to the National History museum in London. Carnegie paid £2,000 for the casting. Made of plaster of Paris, copying the original fossil bones structure.
William Thomson, great grandson of Andrew Carnegie,
Diplodocus carnegii species that lived between 145 and 156 million years ago and roamed North America.They are the longest known dinosaur.
You pronounce their name 'dip-lod-ic-uss'.
292 bone skeleton
Diet of these herbivores must have consisted entirely of leaves, ferns and moss. Plant materials that this animal could strip without using much bite force.
This dinosaur’s neck and tail consisted of almost 100 vertebrae
Saturday 27 Jan 2019 Master Carson Main went on search of dinosaur. He heard they had been seen in the grove-The Kelvingrove. After fighting of the rain he went on the look out.Here are of pictures from his search.