As the world bleeds from this horrific illness. Unemployment will be the next threat around the corner.After companies use up the furlough system there is going to be a lot of people out of a job. Sad times ahead.
​With the announcement of British Airways paying off so many people, makes you think is the start of the travel world addressing these uncertain times.
As an amatuer travel blogger I have another job, to support my family but there so many professional bloggers out there worried for their future.
A Travel Blogger travels our planet writing about destinations,reviewing accommodation and their experiences.
A fulltime job helping you have a perfect trip/holiday.
They work hard to meet deadlines.I have given you a brief description of their role in the travel industry.
So what is the future or is there a future for travel blogging.Most airlines are grounded. Hotels are shut and most countries are on lock down. Covid-19 has and will affect everyone so blogging is no different.
I am using my spare time to add content,images and footage from past trips. Seeing places from a different angle.
Writing about my time while being stuck in lock down.
My country`s[Scotland] bloggers could gain out these adverse times. Less people will be wanting to venture to far off lands.
So these travellers will want to stay at home. They will be used to exploring all the information available.So blog/websites will be very useful for their planning.
There will be lots of restrictions and there could be less transport.It won`t stop me exploring our planet but health comes first.
That's the gloom and doom. We will get back to exploring. We will get back to holidaying abroad and of course making memories.
The travel industry has had its share of problems in the past.
For years the fear of hijacking,natural disasters and recessions have been set backs but we all returned to travelling.
​Everyone uses Google now a days.When searching for info about your holiday you Google.On the first page you will find
a blog giving you an honest review of your destination.
Giving you idea`s where to stay and where to eat.
People use travel bloggers experience s to enhance their hard earned vacations.There is still a future for travel blogging but the world of travel is changing and we will have to change.
Love to hear what the experts thoughts are?
​With the announcement of British Airways paying off so many people, makes you think is the start of the travel world addressing these uncertain times.
As an amatuer travel blogger I have another job, to support my family but there so many professional bloggers out there worried for their future.
A Travel Blogger travels our planet writing about destinations,reviewing accommodation and their experiences.
A fulltime job helping you have a perfect trip/holiday.
They work hard to meet deadlines.I have given you a brief description of their role in the travel industry.
So what is the future or is there a future for travel blogging.Most airlines are grounded. Hotels are shut and most countries are on lock down. Covid-19 has and will affect everyone so blogging is no different.
I am using my spare time to add content,images and footage from past trips. Seeing places from a different angle.
Writing about my time while being stuck in lock down.
My country`s[Scotland] bloggers could gain out these adverse times. Less people will be wanting to venture to far off lands.
So these travellers will want to stay at home. They will be used to exploring all the information available.So blog/websites will be very useful for their planning.
There will be lots of restrictions and there could be less transport.It won`t stop me exploring our planet but health comes first.
That's the gloom and doom. We will get back to exploring. We will get back to holidaying abroad and of course making memories.
The travel industry has had its share of problems in the past.
For years the fear of hijacking,natural disasters and recessions have been set backs but we all returned to travelling.
​Everyone uses Google now a days.When searching for info about your holiday you Google.On the first page you will find
a blog giving you an honest review of your destination.
Giving you idea`s where to stay and where to eat.
People use travel bloggers experience s to enhance their hard earned vacations.There is still a future for travel blogging but the world of travel is changing and we will have to change.
Love to hear what the experts thoughts are?